PHPA hosts productive, informative 2024 Annual Meeting of Player Representatives
Darryl Dionne, Director of Comm unications & Business Development, PHPA | July 2nd, 2024
The Professional Hockey Players’ Association (PHPA) recently hosted its 2024 Annual Meeting of Player Representatives from June 17 – 21st in Orlando, Florida where players representing American Hockey League and the ECHL teams attended on behalf of their teammates. The meetings featured a range of innovative topics, breakout sessions, and an impressive lineup of guest presenters which left players educated and informed ahead of the 2024-25 season.
The opening day of meetings commenced with a comprehensive “Year in Review” presentation from PHPA Executive Director, Larry Landon. PHPA Legal Counsel Elyse McKenna and Bob Riley then discussed key legal issues encountered over the past year. Later, Darryl Dionne outlined the PHPA’s marketing, communications, and business development initiatives and objectives, followed by a presentation from J.P. Witkop on behalf of Raymond James & Associates regarding the PHPA-AHL 401K Program.
The following day, Player Representatives received a detailed overview of the Association’s audited financial statements and operating budget. They also received important tax advice from experts at Crowe Soberman LLP, as well as a powerful presentation on mental health awareness from former PHPA Member Chuck Thuss, who oversees the PHPA’s Alumni Assistance Program.
Throughout the week, players heard from organizations partnered with the PHPA including marketing partners Vizual Edge and SportContract, as well as institutions partnered with the PHPA Career Enhancement Program including Athabasca University and Tremco Roofing & Building.
The week also included a panel discussion on workers’ compensation, involving five esteemed members from the PHPA Workers’ Compensation Panel of Attorneys along with representatives from the NFLPA.
Following presentations from AHL President and CEO Scott Howson andECHL Commissioner Ryan Crelin, players were provided the opportunity to participate in closed door meetings with their respective League leaders.
Several PHPA Alumni were in attendance for the event, including Archie Henderson and Don Nachbaur, who led the process of hiring Larry Landon as PHPA Executive Director in 1991 and regaled Player Representatives with stories from their era.
Outside of the meetings, attendees were invited to participate in the Exceptional Risk Advisors Golf Tournament at the Waldorf Astoria Golf Course, as well as a Hospitality Suite sponsored by Isospec Health.
The Annual Meeting concluded with a Closing Banquet where the PHPA presented its Player Representative of the Year Awards to Byron Froese (AHL) and Cedric Montminy (ECHL), Executive Director’s Honoring the Past Award to Andrew Joudrey, and the 2024 Curt Leichner Distinguished Member Award to Richard Berthelsen.
Members of the PHPA Executive Committee then announced that Larry Landon was voted unanimously as the 2025 recipient of the PHPA Curt Leichner Distinguished Member Award. Landon will be retiring as Executive Director when his contract terms in June, 2025.
The evening was capped by a performance from world renown hypnotist Danny Zzzz!
For a recap of 2024 PHPA Annual Meeting content shared across various social media platforms, please visit the following link: https://wakelet.com/wake/nlnVbzz1wg-BEnma-es9n
The PHPA expresses its gratitude to several partners, whose financial contributions allowed the PHPA to host a professional, informative, and successful Annual Meeting event, including Meritain Health, Insurance Office of America (IOA), Exceptional Risk Advisors, Isospec Health, Private Housing Network, TELUS Health, Programmed Insurance Brokers, NexGenRx, and many golf hole sponsors. A special thank you to all players and their families who attended on behalf of their teammates, whose input and guidance plays a crucial role in shaping the current and future landscape of professional hockey.