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Best Hockey Club

(TEAM) NAT1HL – Pittsburgh Stars

About Us


The North Hills Amateur Hockey Association (NHAHA), Western Pennsylvania’s premier amateur ice hockey organization, has provided a memorable hockey experience to thousands of area youths since 1964.

The organization provides elite level Tier I instruction to boys and girls through its Pittsburgh Stars AAA Hockey program.

NHAHA is a proud member of the Pittsburgh Amateur Hockey League and USA Hockey, and offers competition at the Tier I (AAA) Level.


NHAHA is governed by a board of directors that consists of a president, secretary, treasurer, registrar, and whatever other offices and functions the board deems necessary. The actions of the board and its officers are governed by a set of bylaws that reside with the secretary. The list of Board Members with thier contact information is available on the Contacts page of this web site.


The payment schedule for this year will be on the 1st of each month. The fees for each age group are based only on the costs associated with that team (ice costs,  tournament fees, USA Hockey fees, referee & EMT fees, etc.). Teams are not charged an extra fee to cover costs for other teams within the organization.

Fund raising opportunities are available to the organization membership throughout the year.

(Please note that NHAHA fees do not include any tournament costs associated with the PAHL or USA Hockey playoffs.)

If a player has not paid in full by Feb. 1, he/she will not be allowed on the ice for practices or games, (Exceptions to this policy can be approved only by the NHAHA treasurer.)


Each season the board will determine the number of teams that the association will field and the levels at which those teams will play. A few of the factors taken into account are the amount of ice time provided to the association, the number of players participating at each age level, the number of returning NHAHA players at each age level, etc.

NHAHA fields teams at the Squirt, Pee Wee, Bantam & Midget levels.

Players should respect the fact that NHAHA coaches are expected to spend a great deal of time preparing for practices and games. Players should make every effort to be prompt to practices and games, and should be willing to work hard to try and meet the challenges the coach presents.

Not all individuals who try out for NHAHA teams are placed on teams. Playing hockey for NHAHA is a privilege, not a right. Players, while representing the NHAHA organization, are expected to conduct themselves professionally. Respect for property, respect for teammates, opponents, referees, and coaches is expected. Tough, fundamental hockey is strongly encouraged, however, intent to injure, disrespect for an opponent, taunting and trash talk, are unacceptable forms of behavior. NHAHA expects all players to do their talking with hard skating, clean checks and putting the puck in their opponent’s net.  NHAHA expects all parents to be supportive of all NHAHA players.  See more about this on the Handbook page of the Web Site.

Any player desiring to play at an age level above his/her birth date must petition and be granted board approval. Specific details about this process are on the Tryout Page of this Web site.


The North Hills Amateur Hockey Association uses the Pittsburgh Ice Arena, formerly the Valley Sports Complex, in New Kensignton as home ice. The twin-rink facility is located only ten miles from exit 5 of the Pennsylvania State Turnpike and minutes from New Kensington exit Route 28.