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(TEAM) NCDC – Mercer Chiefs

2024 USPHL NCDC Combine Series!

The United States Premier Hockey League, and its tuition-free National Collegiate Development Conference, are proud to announce their 2024 USPHL NCDC Combine Series, set to take place in Detroit, Mich. (April 12-13) and in Chicago, Ill. (May 11-12). A third and new event will be held in Boston (May 18-19).

Between the NCDC, the USPHL Premier and the USPHL Elite, the USPHL as a League has had more than 6,000 alumni in college hockey, with more than 3,500 playing per year. No other league at the Tier II and Tier III levels together sends more players to college hockey than the USPHL and NCDC.

Registering for these Combines will put you as a player in front of coaches at all levels of USPHL Junior Hockey, allowing you to set your own Path To College Hockey!

Players born between Jan. 1, 2004, and Dec. 31, 2008, will be eligible.

Non-refundable* registration is $325 for each Combine. The USPHL provides a great value to prospective players to show their skills in front of NCDC and USPHL Premier coaches and begin new relationships that will lead you on your path to college.

Players will be guaranteed a minimum of three scrimmage games, and there will also be an informational seminar at each Combine about the United States Premier Hockey League and its unparalleled USPHL Development Model. —USPHL Staff