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Best Hockey Club

(TEAM) NAPHL – Chicago Jets

Tryout INFO


When trying out for a travel hockey team, Travel Tier II hockey players in Illinois can skate for two organizations in their Squirt through Bantam playing careers.

The first Tier II organization you play for becomes your first choice. You will have only one other opportunity (choice) to play for another travel Tier II organization through the Bantam level.  Participation in Mite ADM, the Northwest Hockey League and the NorthShore Hockey league do not count as a choice. 

Some travel organizations have restrictive policies in effect, which limit a player’s ability to move between his or her two choices.  The Chicago Jets does not restrict players from returning if they play for another organization.

All players and/or parents will either be required to sign a “Two Choice” Declaration Form when placed on a team and/or will be tracked electronically through AHAI (Amateur Hockey Association of Illinois) when rosters are certified each season. 

If you have any questions about the Tier II Two Choice Rule, please contact Kent Allen, the Chicago Jets Hockey Director, at